Skills and Competency Gaps Analysis of Motor Mechanics in the Informal Sector: A Case Study for Meru Township in Kenya
Motor vehicle mechanics in the informal sector (Jua Kali) have skills and competencies acquired
through formal and informal training. However, the skills and levels of competencies of most mechanics can not
be ascertained; whether the artisans can continue to competently serve the growing market of increasingly
sophisticated imported vehicles and the attendant dynamics in the market. There is also a querry if the entry
level skills of the artisan has changed over time while on the field as a result of interaction with customers, and
the market environment. It is the desire of the artisans to improve their skills, knowledge and level of
competencies so that they can serve their customers better, but the formal education setup does not adequately
accomodate trainees from the informal sector thereby limiting avenues for skills and competency development.
The purpose of this study was to establish the skills and competencies gaps among motor mechanics in reference
to established competency framework, investigate the skills developement dynamics in the informal sectorand
develop interventions to bridge the gap. The study employed a descriptive survey, by mapping out a study area,
clustering the artisan concentrations and randomly adminstering a structured questionnaire to one in every five
artisans in each cluster to establish the competencies and skills gaps thereof. The artisans were also observed
as they served their customers. The data collected was analysedusing SPSS and excel tools; mitigation measures
were then developed based on competency based training. The findings indicate that the skills gap does not
match the rapidly changing technology in the automotive industry, moreover the training facilities in the
training institutions do not meet the market requirements. The Competency Bases Education and Training
CBET framework may address the gaps so far as it is structured to specifically address unique needs of the
informal sector. This paper is intended to inform the formulation and implementation strategies adopted by the
authorities to develop requisite skill sets for the automotive sector.