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dc.contributor.authorGacicio, Pauline Wangechi
dc.identifier.citationA thesis submitted for the a ward of Master of Business Administration Degree in Finance at Meru University of Science and Technologyen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to evaluate factors affecting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) i accessing loans from commercial banks in Meru County Municipality. The descriptive research design was used.The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between interest rates and access to bank loan, establish the relationship between collateral requirements and access to bank loan and determine the relationship between access to information and access to bank loan by SMEs. The target population consisted of 599 SMEs registered, licensed and operating within Meru County Municipality.A sample size of 60 SMEs was selected using random sampling. Primary data was collected by use of administered questionnaires that were hand delivered to the respondents of the respondents of the SMEs owners.Data collected was presented in frequency tables. The Pearson Chi-Square statistics measures the significance of the relationship between the variables while eta statistic measures the degree of relationship. The SPSS version 17 statistical software was used to analyse the collected data. Pearson Chi-Square statistic was used to test research hypotheses and the significance of relationships between the variables of the study. Collateral requirements and access to information are the two factors which influence SMEs loan access from Commercial Banks by SME owners. Recommendations from the study were that the banks should adopt the relationship lending that has succeeded in other countries. Also the SME owners should be trained in order to gain the business skills to enable them provide appropriate financial statements that would serve as a collateral's. The SME owners should be provided with adequate information by the banks and also they should also give the appropriate information to the banks which would enhance trust between the SME owners and the banks eliminating the fear of high business risk. The banks should provide tailor-made products for their different types of customers. However, Bank interest rates were found not to have significant influence on access by SMEs.en_US
dc.publisherMeru University of Science and Technologyen_US
dc.titleFactors affecting small and medium enterprises owners in accessing loan from commercial banks:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case of small and medium enterprises in Meru County Municipality, Kenya.en_US

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